Identification of the mutation causing progressive retinal atrophy in Old Danish Pointing Dog
Af P. Karlskov-Mortensen*, H. F. Proschowsky†, F. Gao‡ and M. Fredholm* Summery Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a common cause of blindness in many dog breeds. It is most often inherited as a simple Mendelian trait, but great genetic heterogeneity has been demonstrated both within and between breeds. In many breeds the genetic cause of […]
Snake Spectacle Vessel Permeability to Sodium Fluorescein.
Bellhorn RW, Strom AR, Motta MJ, Doval J, Hawkins MG, Paul-Murphy J. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2018.
Utility of antigen testing for the diagnosis of ocular histoplasmosis in four cats: a case series and literature review.
Smith KM, Strom AR, Gilmour MA, LaDouceur E, Reilly CM, Byrne BA, Affolter VK, Sykes JE, Maggs DJ. J Feline Med Surg. 2017.
Oral administration of famciclovir for treatment of spontaneous ocular, respiratory or dermatologic disease attributed to feline herpesvirus type-1: A retrospective review in 59 client-owned cats.
Thomasy AM, Shull O, Outerbridge CA, Lim CC, Freeman KS, Strom AR, Kass DPH, Maggs DJ. JAVMA. 2016.
In vivo evaluation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the normal laboratory beagle using time- and Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography and ultrasound pachymetry.
Strom AR, Cortes DE, Rasmussen CA, Thomasy SM, McIntyre K, Lee SF, et al. Veterinary ophthalmology. 2015.
In vivo ocular imaging of the cornea of the normal female laboratory beagle using confocal microscopy.
Strom AR, Cortes DE, Thomasy SM, Kass PH, Mannis MJ, Murphy CJ. Veterinary ophthalmology. 2015.
Epidemiology of canine glaucoma presented to University of Zurich from 1995 to 2009. Part 2: Secondary glaucoma (217 cases)
Strom AR, Hässig M, Iburg TM, Spiess BM. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2011.
Epidemiology of canine glaucoma presented to University of Zurich from 1995 to 2009. Part 1: Congenital and primary glaucoma (4 and 123 cases)
Strom AR, Hässig M, Iburg TM, Spiess BM. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2011.
Answers to the what, where, why’d when – Corneal opacities in dogs and cats
Artikel om hornhinne forandringer hos hunde og katte, skrevet af diplomat öjenspecialisterne Ann Ström og David Maggs og bragt i Todays Veterinary Practice May/June. 2015. (free access)
Specialisering i USA
Artikel om diplomat øjenspecialistuddannelsen, skrevet af journalist Mette Krogsgaard og bragt i Dyrlægemagasinet nr. 3 maj 2015. Download artiklen som pdf.